Past Event - 1st Purchasing Initiative India

Join the supplier search and find matching business partners by registering for the BME Matchmaking Services!


Source image: IHK Schütze

Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.


Date: 8 - 26 July 2024

Location: Online

Partners: AHK India, OAV – German Asia-Pacific Business Association

1st Supplier Seminar: Purchasing Initiative India

2nd Supplier Seminar: Purchasing Initiative India



German purchasing companies will be able to explore the Indian procurement market together with BME for the first time in 2024.


With the 1st Purchasing Initiative India, BME is now adding another growing market to its program in 2024. German buyers will have the first opportunity to get to know Indian suppliers in pre-scheduled online B2B meetings from the 8th until the 26th of July 2024. As an emerging procurement market, India offers unique opportunities and is a very attractive region for alternative and second-source suppliers in times of supply shortages. Together with the AHK partners in India and the OAV association, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK), BME will identify suitable suppliers in the market and prepare them for the event in preparatory seminars.


The initiative focuses on the following product groups: metal construction, cast and forged parts, stamped and bent parts, injection molding, plastic and electronic components, welded assemblies, assembly, production materials and drawing parts, as well as IT and engineering. The demand-oriented focus on selected product groups leads to qualified and efficient access to the local supplier market for German small-medium sized companies, as this is a project-related funding measure as part of the GTAI market development program for SMEs. In two offered online seminars, suppliers will receive information on the matchmaking process and will be informed by German buyers about specific procurement needs as well as the requirements and processes of German companies. The B2B event thus offers an attractive opportunity to find second-source suppliers and alternatives in times of supply bottlenecks.


Buyers can report their needs to BME after logging in or registering until the 15th of March 2024. Please select the event in your RFI questionnaire. Suppliers are invited to register to the Website by the 31 of May. Please fill the RFI profile and indicate which buyers could match to your capabilities. The meetings between buyer with selected suppliers will be held on a B2B day individually determined by the purchaser. For this purpose, each participant will receive a personal meeting schedule with digital access data in advance.


First steps to participate in this event 

➀ Register first as buyer or supplier for BME Matchmaking Service free of charge.
➁ Fill out and send the questionnaire to BME. Mark the events you are interested in.
➂ BME will inform you as soon as you get access to the profiles, can select your preferred B2B partners and
    register for the events.


Prices for suppliers


  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs: free of charge

Prices for buyers


  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs: free of charge, limited to German/Germany based companies

Note: Participation only for companies with headquarter or a production site located in Germany.


In co-operation with: 


Contact: In case of questions, please contact us at [email protected] 


Joanna Chrzanowska
International  Project Manager
+49 6196 58 28-186


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